English Language

Subject Name: English Language

Entrance Criteria: Grade 6 in GCSE English Language and Literature


Year 1

Language, the Individual and Society

In your first year of study, you will explore textual variations and representations and understand how to apply different methods of language analysis. You will also study how children’s language develops and how to analyse different data sets using different methods of language analysis.


Year 2

Language Diversity and Change

In your second year of study, you will explore how language diversifies and changes and understand how to apply different methods of language analysis. You will also study how attitudes towards language diversification changes.

Language in Action

You will also complete two pieces of independent coursework. After learning about how to collect language data, students will conduct their own study investigating different attitudes and views towards language variations. Students will also complete a piece of original writing looking at either persuasion, storytelling or information.

How the course is assessed?

Language, the Individual and Society – An open book examination worth 40% Language Diversity and Change – An open book examination worth 40% Language in Action – A coursework portfolio comprising of an essay and a piece of original writing worth 20%

Future Career Opportunities

Higher education courses in law, history, journalism and publishing. As well as potential careers in advertising, marketing, digital media, public relations, politics and the scope of writing professions.

WHO do I need to speak to for more information?

Mrs McClelland – Head of English
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